About the project

About the project
Welcome to the web pages of the Preservation and Presentation of the Cultural Heritage of Czech and World Theatre. This includes extensive documentation and digitalization of theatre photography, detailed mapping out of Czech amateur theatre and the creation of an archive of the Prague Quadrennial.
“The Preservation and Presentation of the Cultural Heritage of Czech and World Theatre“ is the name of this significant three-part project which will involve the extensive documentation and digitalization of theatre photography, detailed mapping out of Czech amateur theatre and the creation of an archive of the largest world exhibitions of scenography and theatre architecture of the Prague Quadrennial.
The results of this three part phase will be fully digitalized onto an electronic database. This will significantly contribute to the already existing archives and contribute to higher quality popular as well as pure research work. The materials will be accessible to the general public.
The project is being carried out with the support of the financial mechanisms of EHP and the Norway, so-called Norwegian Funds (EEA and Norway Grants). This came into being in the year 2004 after the inclusion of the new countries into the European Union and are designated for 13 member countries, providing 1,167 billion Euros (32 billion CZK). By means of these funds Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway intend to contribute to countries entering the EHP for projects in expanding the internal market.
The Art and Theatre Institute has received the grant in cooperation with the National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture (NIPOS).