The release of a unique publication – Painted Curtains of the Theatres in the Czech Lands

From Aš to Žamberk, from Mikoláš Aleš to František Ženíšek, from the smallest company performing on a fold-out stage in a remote village to the National Theatre in Prague – Painted Curtains of the Theatres in the Czech Lands is a narrative, illustrated publication currently being released and presents a complex overview of a unique area of the rich cultural heritage of Czech theatre.

The Painted Curtains of Czech Theatre

Visit our virtual gallery and see samples from the publication 'The Painted Curtains of Czech Theatre' which will be published in autumn of this year -

The Amateur Theatre Database Has Its Own Interactive Map

A new interactive map that is visually easy to use and allows visitors to search through the theatre history of 9000 towns and municipalities. Every place on the map contains a list of now defunct and still existing amateur groups, an overview of local theatre fairs, and information on the first recorded mention of amateur theatre in the given location. Users are thus able to obtain a complex idea of the concentration of theatre activities throughout the Czech Republic or in individual regions, or even to explore and compare neighbouring municipalities.

Database of theatre photography

Unique internet database of theatre photography is available at To date it offers photographs by almost two hundred authors of almost 4000 productions staged at various theatres throughout the Czech Republic.

Exhibition of Jaroslav Krejčí

The exhibition of Jaroslav Krejčí at the New Town Hall (Karlovo náměstí 1) is opened only till November 8.

Jiráskův Hronov (Jirásek's Hronov) is Beginning

This year's 79th annual festival of amateur theatre, Jiráskův Hronov, will take place from the 31st of July to the 8th of August. The programme consists of the main block of the most successful performances from a state-wide selection along with foreign guests supplemented by exhibitions as well as concerts. For more information see

Amateur Theatre in the Czech Republic

You can also become involved in creating a database of amateur theatre. We enthusiastically welcome any information or documentation on the contemporary life of amateur theatre in the Czech Republic including their history, the troupes, personalities and festivals. For more information see